Bananas Going Bananas!

Cavendish bananas

Hey everyone, I have learnt some interesting, funny, and weird banana facts that I wanted to share with you. When I first read these facts, I laughed and laughed. It was bananas!

 Banana Facts:

A banana plant if it is in good conditions ( weather and others) it can grow 20 inches in 24 hours. And the word banana, is from Africa. The scientific name for the fruit is Musa Paradisiaca which means fruit of paradise. The fruit carries 2 medieval legends that are believed. The one I believe is the Indian one.

The most surprising fact about a banana: IT’S NOT A TREE!! It is an Herb, said to be the world’s tallest Grass. Banana tree is grass. Hoho very funny. And since banana plants are herbs, a banana scientifically is classified as a Berry. But I’ll call the banana a fruit because it’s weird to call it a berry.  Bananas come in different colors such as red, blue, pink, and the most common color of a banana: yellow.

Fascinating huh? The bananas that come in the blue color are called: Blue Java Bananas And they taste like vanilla ice cream. The bananas that come in the red color are called: Red bananas. Bananas that come in the pink color are called: Hairy Pink Bananas. But sadly, there is one type of banana that is extinct, they are called: Big Mike bananas

Those are SOME facts! Thanks for reading, see you next time bye! Merry Belated Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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