Book Summary: Wonderland

“Sometimes, the things you want come in unexpected places.” 

Hey Everyone, today I wanted to share with you another one of my most-loved books. I thought this book was a very touching story of friendship. Check out my review below :D:

Mavis Jeeter has never had any friends. That’s because her mother and she have always been moving ever since Mavis’s parents broke up. All Mavis wants is a place to stay permanently and friend. So if she wants a permanent place to live, she must make a friend. Right now her moving mother has uprooted them again to go to Landry, Alabama. There, Mavis meets a young girl, the same age as her, named Rose.

Rose Tully is a big worrywart. She worries over the littlest things that hit her. At this moment, she was worrying about her friend and the gatekeeper, Mr. Duffy. Mr. Duffy has not been himself since his dog Queenie died. Rose has tried everything to cheer Mr. Duffy up but nothing has worked. Then when she meets Mavis, it hits her that maybe Mr. Duffy needs a new dog to cheer him back up. 

 Mavis and Rose partner up to try and find the best dog that would suit Mr. Duffy. Their search quest leads them into doing adventurous things that are quite dangerous. Mavis and Rose get to know more about each other as they find a dog and they both start to realize that: ” Sometimes the friends you’ve wanted are found in the most unlikely places.”

I love books about friendship. Why? I find that those books have a sense of love which feel like the friends are family. So if you’re like me and like these kind of books, you should definitely read Wonderland. The author of this book, Barbara O’Connor has a lot of other novels too which are a big hit. Thanks for stopping by. Bye!

Above & Beyond,

Monkey Me

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