Bravehearts Of Bharat: Rani Naiki Devi Of Gujarat

hey everyone, welcome back to my blog! today im just sharing with you guys my summary of another one of the chapters in the book, Bravehearts of Bharat. The braveheart of todays summary is Naiki Devi! enjoy hehe:D

When Ajaypala, the heir apparent to Bhimadeva I, king of the Solanki dynasty, was stabbed to death by one of the Pratiharas, his wife Rani Naiki Devi (from Goa) took over the throne in 1176 CE. Very little is known about Naiki Devi and how she became Ajaypala’s wife in the first place. However the couple had 2 sons together, Mularaja II and Bhimadeva II. Mularaja II was crowned heir apparent at a minor age. Although Naiki Devi was just recovering from the loss of her husband, she did everything in her power to keep her kingdom safe and secure. The Afghan attacks of the Ghori’s were slowly coming down south to Gujarat where Naiki Devi ruled. The leader of the Ghori attacks was known as Jahan Soz (world burner), a.k.a. Ala ud-din Hussain. However, this time, he put his brother, Muhammed Ghori, in charge of the Indian attacks in 1175 CE. Muhammed Ghori set off to Gujarat first as per advisal to capture it. He thought that this was an easy capture as it was under the reign of a queen and her young son. As soon as Naiki Devi was told of this incoming attack from the Ghors, she completely dedicated herself to planning defense attacks. Naiki Devi sent out diplomatic channels to the other kingdoms nearby, but they all refused, except for her neighboring kingdoms, the Chaulukyas, the Jalor Chahamanas, and the Arbuda Paramaras. The four kingdoms became allies but Naiki Devi faced a problem. The Ghori army was far too strong and superior to have a fight in an open and known battlefield. So, she devised a plan to bring to the Gadaraghatta terrain which was near the village of Kasahrada. The narrow hill passes and terrain were very unfamiliar to the Ghors, so the Gujarati armies had a huge advantage over them. And so, in 1178 CE, the Ghors and Gujaratis met in the Battle of Kasahrada. Naiki Devi’s forces had given the Ghors a surprise and they were soon crumbling. The weather had also given the Gujarati armies an advantage over their opponents. Monsoon season in Gujarat was just not it for the Afghani Ghors. Finally, Muhammed Ghori retreated and fled with just a few of his soldiers at his side. His pride was totally shattered as he lost to a woman. After that defeat, the Ghors never came back to Gujarat. All thanks to the courageous and strong willed warrior queen, Rani Naiki Devi. 

Around The World:

  1. Genghis Khan builds the largest land empire.
  2. Angkor Wat built.
  3. Belur Halebid temples built.
  4. Khajuraho temple built.
  5. Basavana, Kalhana temples built.

Alright, thanks for stopping by! see you soon in the next post! till then, byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

adieu bravehearts,

Monkey Me

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