Category: <span>Hobbies</span>

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The Story of the Fear Factor: Fate

The Story of the Fear Factor: Fate

Hey everybody, today I will again be sharing one of the stories my dad told me. This story tells our minds simply on how your fate follows you not only from this life but from the past or previous lives of yours. The Story: One day, a little boy went outside to play like he...

The Story of a Thankful Bird

The Story of a Thankful Bird

Hi everyone, today I’m going to share with you one of my favorite stories that my dad told me. This story tells the meaning of thankfulness in a very beautiful way. Here it is: Once upon a time there was a very pretty bird that lived on a green and luscious tree which was bearing...

The Fish That Ate the Whale

The Fish That Ate the Whale

Hey everybody, now that we learned about some banana facts in my previous post, we’ll read a story of a man who is known for his love for bananas;  partly hilarious, shrewd, businessy. I have summarized the story chapter wise (overview) to clearly organize my thoughts on this book. This story is about The Fish...

Bananas Going Bananas!

Bananas Going Bananas!

Hey everyone, I have learnt some interesting, funny, and weird banana facts that I wanted to share with you. When I first read these facts, I laughed and laughed. It was bananas!  Banana Facts: A banana plant if it is in good conditions ( weather and others) it can grow 20 inches in 24 hours....

American As Paneer Pie

American As Paneer Pie

Hi guys, another fine day, another great book called American As Paneer Pie. I personally love the book and even though the main character is Indian, it is not completely like an Indian book. Like the title name, the book is American as paneer pie. Here is the summary below: Lekha Divekar feels like she...

Sewing Tutorial

Sewing Tutorial

Hi everybody, this day I am going to show you how to make a mask with a tutorial. You can either hand sew or do it on the sewing machine like I did. By watching this video you have less trouble trying to find a good mask (especially these days). Watch the tutorial below! Love,...

The Spin Art Machine

The Spin Art Machine

Dear Readers, Today, I am doing something fun. I am going to show you how I made spin art on a machine called the spin art machine. When you order the kit, the spin art machine does not come put together, you have to build it. I built the spin art machine myself and wanted...

My Big Fat Potato

My Big Fat Potato

(With Instructions On How I Planted Them) Dear people,                           Today I want to tell you how I grew my potato plants. These potatoes are grown fresh and they taste absolutely delicious. The story: My mom took a massive sigh and told me that the potatoes have grown sprouts and now cannot eat them, so...

Nutmeg Buttermilk Cookies

Nutmeg Buttermilk Cookies

Welcome back people, I have returned with another delicious recipe.  Nutmeg buttermilk cookies are one of my favorite cookies and involve some healthy ingredients like nutmeg. I as well have the recipe and ingredients at the bottom. Thank you! Ingredients: 3 cups flour (all purpose)  ¾ cup butter (softened) 1 ½ cups sugar  1 tsp...

A Swiss Book

A Swiss Book

Hi and welcome back, today I wanted to talk about a Swiss book called Heidi. Heidi is a strong girl who loved mountains and goats. The author of Heidi is Johanna Spyri. This book is full of laughs, bravery, confidence, and a little bit of sadness. Heidi is also made into a movie. The little...