Category: <span>Indian Classics</span>

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Bravehearts Of Bharat: Lalitaditya Of Kashmir

Bravehearts Of Bharat: Lalitaditya Of Kashmir

Hey guys, welcome back to my blog! Today I have a little summary of the life documentary of one of Kashmir’s most famous kings, Lalitaditya! Kashmir is such a beautiful state because of all the landmarks built by Lalitaditya! Oh and I almost forgot, these kinds of stories make great history lessons. So without further...

Sewing A Kurti

Sewing A Kurti

Hello everyone today I wanted to share with you one of my recent creations. I had sewn a kurti, which is basically an Indian style dress. It is fun, relaxing and the few things it requires? Cloth, your measurements, scissors, and patience along with the video. This was my first time doing it and to...

The Story of Ashtavakra

The Story of Ashtavakra

Hello everyone, I have a great story to share with you today. It took place 5 thousand years ago in India and it’s about staying respectful to your parents. The story of a sage named Ashtavakra. When Kahoda, a learnt disciple of the great sage Uddalaka mastered the sacred texts, he was married to Uddalaka’s...

The Story of a Thankful Bird

The Story of a Thankful Bird

Hi everyone, today I’m going to share with you one of my favorite stories that my dad told me. This story tells the meaning of thankfulness in a very beautiful way. Here it is: Once upon a time there was a very pretty bird that lived on a green and luscious tree which was bearing...



Sankranti is an Indian festival that is celebrated in honor of Surya, the sun god. We celebrate this when winter slowly starts turning into spring. During Sankranti we draw big drawings called muggu or kolam. We draw these kolams with our hands using rice flour like a parrot kolam, Butterfly kolam , a kite, and...