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Roger Federer – The Legend

Roger Federer – The Legend

Howdy people! How ya doin’? As you all know, today Roger Federer’s tennis career ended. Roger Federer is our #1, our biggest inspirations, and our G.O.A.T. Today I’m talking about my thoughts on his career and his last match today. Let’s go! Roger Federer is a Swiss tennis player whom, of course, we call Mr....

My Opinions On Covid-19

My Opinions On Covid-19

(these were my opinions on 3/21/2020, also they are notes for myself) Corona virus or Covid 19 is a virus from a city in China called Wuhan that soon spread all over the world. Covid 19 in China started in December of 2019. It spread across the world in 2020 January and February. Covid 19...