Herb Roasted Salmon

Herb Roasted Salmon

Here is my recipe for the herb roasted salmon. This piece of seafood comes with snap pea and walnut salad. It happens to be really good. This is my first time making it but it came out really good. The recipe and ingredients is at the bottom. It is simple and easy.


  • 1 cup parsley ( flat or plain)
  • ½  of a cup of chives
  • 1 cup dill
  • ½ thai basil or normal basil
  • Olive oil
  •  I fillet of salmon
  • Salt and pepper
  • Walnuts
  • Carrots
  • Snap peas
  • Shallots
  • Lemon


  1. Chop up all the herbs and put aside a little bit in a bowl that is big enough to make salad and the rest of it in a bowl for the herbs that go on the salmon
  2. Line your baking pan with parchment paper and drizzle a little bit of olive oil on the paper.
  3. Put the salmon fillet on the baking sheet and drizzle more olive oil on top and put some salt and pepper on the salmon.
  4. Take the big bowl of herbs and put it on the top of the salmon fillet and bake it for 350 degrees for 20 minutes.
  5.  Now for the dressing combine half lemon, a shallot, and olive oil and shake it together in a container.
  6. For the salad cut in half some snap peas and cut one inch cubes of carrots.
  7.  Put the carrots and snap peas in a bowl and chop some walnuts and put them in the bowl as well.
  8. Now put the rest of the herbs in the salad, then put in the dressing and combine well.

Serve the salmon and salad together on plate. There you have your herb roasted salmon. Make it and tell me how it tastes. Thank you, bye!

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