My Big Fat Potato

(With Instructions On How I Planted Them)

Dear people,

                          Today I want to tell you how I grew my potato plants. These potatoes are grown fresh and they taste absolutely delicious.

The story: My mom took a massive sigh and told me that the potatoes have grown sprouts and now cannot eat them, so she suggested we plant them. I was very happy. Me and my mom cleaned the area where we would plant the potatoes. We planted them and waited.

 Here is how I plant them:  First I took a potato that already had small plants coming out of it. Then I cut just around each sprout that was growing on the potato and planted them in soil where I first cleaned it. Guys, when you plant them, plant them a little deep and you will get fat plump potatoes. Then wait for three months until………… potatoes!

>3 Monkey Me

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