My Favorite Books

It has been a good long fall break and I am going to start working on my blog again. I had recently started reading this book called The Secret Ingredient. It is the second book in the series of The Teashop Girls.  When I started reading the first book I thought it was going to be boring and bad, but when I finished the book I liked it so much that I asked for the second book.

These Teashop Girl books are so well written for kids. The book is hilarious and entertaining. What I really liked about the book is that she included a lot of tea recipe and how to use tea while at the spa. What makes this book so entertaining is she includes feelings and expressions in each paragraph and keeps the flow going. Like in one paragraph she portrays happiness and then it turns into sadness because something is happening that they don’t want to happen.

The author of these two books is Laura Schaefer. I think that she is a really good author. You can visit her at She has a lot of cool things on her site. Thank You!  

The Secret Ingredient by Laura Schaefer
The Secret Ingredient

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