My Opinions On Covid-19

Virus Picture.

(these were my opinions on 3/21/2020, also they are notes for myself)

Corona virus or Covid 19 is a virus from a city in China called Wuhan that soon spread all over the world. Covid 19 in China started in December of 2019. It spread across the world in 2020 January and February. Covid 19 is easily spreadable. What made it worse that it had no vaccine to take. If you got this virus you would just die because it has no vaccine but, surprisingly there were more Covid 19 survivors than the people who died.

Important Things I Did to Stay Healthy During Covid 19 Season:

  • Wash hands frequently
  • Avoid being in groups
  • Stay more at home
  • Do not touch anything when at store
  • Try not to get cold or fever so you have less chances of Covid 19
  • Stay six feet away from each person

Doing all these caring and useful things helps you stay healthier. You also will have less chances of getting Covid 19.

City Lockdowns:

      Lockdowns for cities were increasing by March 2020. There are two types of lockdowns.

  1. This lockdown is where you can only go out for essential things like groceries. There will not be going to restaurants or pubs or malls. You stay more at home.
  2. This lockdown is where you cannot go anywhere. You just must stay home.


When Covid 19 in India started going to stage 2 &3 where there are a greater number of cases and lockdowns P.M. Modi started the Janatha curfew. On March 22, from 7:00 AM to 9:00 pm all citizens must be in their homes with self imposed Curfew. And at 7PM everyone to stand in their balconies and clap for those who work for you / health care workers, Police, air staff who are getting citizens back from other Covid Infected countries 

The Exiting Thing:

  • The most exiting thing is when everything is closed you do not have to be dragged into all kinds of stores especially clothing stores.

Excitement or Worry:

  • I am not worried or excited because it is a virus that is pandemic, but you do not need to be panicked or worried.

Letter to Self:

Hello to myself in the future, in 2020 Covid 19 came to town. Covid 19 or coronavirus was pandemic, but I did not worry, I was just normal and listened to my parents.

World After Covid 19:

The world after Covid 19 will follow some Indian habits and get a little immune. Shops will only let people buy a maximum number of items. When they do all this, I will be prouder of being an Indian.

1 MONTH LATER (21 April 2020)

Covid 19 Changes in the US:

It has now been a month and I think US has trouble brewing ahead. Here are the changes

  • The lockdowns have become stricter
  • I am not going to the stores to buy groceries (only my dad does)
  • US is in the fourth stage of Covid 19
  • They are saying you must scrub your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds
  • Stores are more sanitized
  • If someone sneezes, you must keep 12 feet distance
  • President Trump says that there will still be social distancing for a year or so

Thoughts for Covid 19 (going away and others)

  • I think that Covid 19 will take at least 1 or 2 years to go away because it has affected more than 193 countries in the world
  • I think that if US followed other countries like Singapore, India and did some of the things that they did it could have managed the virus better.
  • I kind of like how the stores are keeping people six feet from each other.
  • I feel my friends from classes will be zoom experts.

For me these are the thoughts now but, more will come later. See you next time, bye!

<3 Monkey Me

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