Planting a Tree

My Plant
My Plant

I went to volunteer at Tree People and planted a big tree. It was nice and sunny when we got there. After a few minutes we were grouped to plant our first tree. Here is what we learned how to do it: The first step was to cut out a cookie in the grass twice the bucket then start digging a hole. How you know you know you dug deep enough is you have to find where the roots first start. Then get a shovel put it upside down. Put that shovel as close to the bucket as possible and run your pointer finger on the roots onto the bucket and to the shovel. Then keeping the pointer finger there put the shovel in the hole you dug and see if you dug deep enough. Let’s jump in the hole! Hee Hee Hee! Now jump or stomp in the hole so it is nice and flat at the bottom of the hole for the tree. Then you  have to take out the tree from the bucket. All you have to do is have someone hold the dirt of the tree and someone to pull the bucket on either sides of the tree. After you have pulled the tree out of the bucket you have to massage the roots.

Massage tree roots

Then put the tree in the hole and fill up the hole with the dirt you took out to make the hole. I loved playing with dirt, I even sat in it picking out all the grass from it. With the dirt you filled up the hole with make like a wall or bowl around the tree which is about 5 inches high. Then put in stakes with the iron stake pusher. Then check if you pushed it deep enough by leaving the stake pusher on the stake and shaking the stake. If the stake doesn’t move a lot  you are good to go. If it does just push the stake in a little more. Now stretch the plastic ties, then tie the plastic ties, crisscross first to both stakes and nail the lockers so that the ties are secure and don’t fall of.

Secure the plant

Time for water! Get the first bucket of water. Then have someone with their hands spread them out put one under another. Now pour the first bucket of water.

Water the plant with first bucket!

Then get the mulch and pour it on the wall and a light layer inside the walls.

Layer with mulch

Then pour the last 2 buckets of water the same way you did it for the first bucket of water.

Water last two buckets

It is done! What a fun day it was at Tree People!

Materials We Used:

  • 3 buckets of water
  • 2 buckets of mulch
  • Dirt
  • 2 shovels
  • Hammer
  • Plastic lockers
  • Stakes
  • Heavy iron metal stake pusher
  • Nails

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