Planting Fenugreek Seeds

In the Indian culture, fenugreek leaves are cooked very often. So we plant them often, too. Here is how to plant them. First look for a place in your garden to plant these seeds. Then clean up the spot if it has mulch, weeds twigs, etc. Make straight lines with a rake.

Now take two thick layers of dirt into a pile of where your chosen spot ends. Now get your seeds ready.

this is how the fenugreek seeds look like.

Take a few seeds in your palm and drizzle them all over the spot.

you drizzle the seeds instead of makin holes and burring them.

Then take the two layers of dirt you took out and put it back on the fenugreek seed drizzled spot.

Then water your seeds and wait for 2-3 days and your seeds will become baby fenugreek plants. Remember to water them regularly.

To  get them to became adult fenugreek plant it will take 3-4 weeks. Thanks, good bye!

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