

Sankranti is an Indian festival that is celebrated in honor of Surya, the sun god. We celebrate this when winter slowly starts turning into spring. During Sankranti we draw big drawings called muggu or kolam. We draw these kolams with our hands using rice flour like a parrot kolam, Butterfly kolam , a kite, and butter pots. We draw the butter pots because in spring more butter is made. I drew the butterfly kolam and my mom drew the rest. We also colored and outlined with color powder called rangoli coloring. Drawing with your hands may be difficult for you but if try it for a couple days you will get it. On Sankranti you also make a specific type of food called Pongal, a few Indian sweets, salty snacks, and corn donuts with fresh ground corn. Just like Sankranti, there are many other festivals that are a part the Indian culture. You should also try drawing with your hand, it is really fun. Thanks, see you next time! Here are some pictures of the drawings we made on Sankranti.

my mom’s parrots kolam
i drew this kolam

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