Tag: <span>Stories</span>

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The Story of Ashtavakra

The Story of Ashtavakra

Hello everyone, I have a great story to share with you today. It took place 5 thousand years ago in India and it’s about staying respectful to your parents. The story of a sage named Ashtavakra. When Kahoda, a learnt disciple of the great sage Uddalaka mastered the sacred texts, he was married to Uddalaka’s...

The Story of the Fear Factor: Fate

The Story of the Fear Factor: Fate

Hey everybody, today I will again be sharing one of the stories my dad told me. This story tells our minds simply on how your fate follows you not only from this life but from the past or previous lives of yours. The Story: One day, a little boy went outside to play like he...

The Story of a Thankful Bird

The Story of a Thankful Bird

Hi everyone, today I’m going to share with you one of my favorite stories that my dad told me. This story tells the meaning of thankfulness in a very beautiful way. Here it is: Once upon a time there was a very pretty bird that lived on a green and luscious tree which was bearing...