The City of Ember

Hey Everyone, welcome back to my blog! Today I have a book review about another one of my all time favorite books, The City of Ember. So far this book has 3 sequels to it and the author says she will continue to write more. The City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau:

The city of Ember was built underground by the Builders in California. After the city was built, about 100 people were sent down to Ember with children whom the Builders said they should know nothing about the outside world. The Builders said that it would keep them safe from The Disaster. The Disaster was made up of the three plagues and the four wars. The Builders left the mayors of Ember instructions to get out when the time was right. But the box where the instructions were, got lost.

Lina Mayfleet is a 12 year old girl who is as active and determined as always completes schooling and joins the adult workforce. She desperately wants to be a messenger because then she gets to run around all day sending messages. But instead she draws pipeworks laborer which means she’ll be stuck underground cleaning and mending pipes.

Doon Harrow, who is in the same class as Lina, draws the job of being a messenger! He asks Lina to trade jobs with him and of course, she agrees! Doon wants to be underground because he says he has some ideas about how to fix the generator. The generator needs to be fixed because the lights in Ember are flickering.

Lina and Doon partner up to find out about some ancient pieces of parchment which could possibly lead out of Ember. The instructions through dangerous adventures to go beyond the city of Ember. They need to find a way out of Ember before the lights go out forever! Can they make it out in time? And is there really something beyond Ember?

To find out what happens next read The City of Ember and don’t forget to tell how you rate this book. It is a must read for everyone and people who especially love thrills, should TOTALLY check this book out! Jeanne DuPrau has written 3 sequels to this book which are also just fantastic! So glad you stopped by! Bye!!

There’s Always More Above,

Monkey Me

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