The Diamond Of Darkhold: The Fourth Book Of Ember

Hey everybody! Today, I’ll be sharing the summary of the fourth book of Ember: The Diamond of Darkhold. It’s a wonderful book and I really really encourage to read it. Onwards!

It’s been 9 months since Lina, Doon, and everybody else escaped the dying city of Ember. Though it’s been nine months, aboveground is hard. So when Doon stumbles upon a book which says: For The People Of Ember, he thinks there is something underground that they forgot to bring up. With minimal clues, Lina and Doon venture back to their old city to bring back what was lost. But nothing comes to the hand easily. 

Doon gets captured by a man called Trogg who said that he came here from Sparks with his family to find a better life. But then he shows Doon the treasure he brought from above. The treasure was a beautiful blue diamond that had a gold color base. Doon begins to think that there are more like that somewhere but Trogg doesn’t agree. Doon needs to get out of Ember fast and time is running out. He smartly finds a way to tell Lina to go back up to Sparks and get help. On his own now, Doon has to find a way to break free, get the diamond, and get out of Ember. Can he get out of Ember without the Troggs knowing and killing him? 

A brave and inspiring fourth novel of Jeanne DuPrau, this book brings about everything an adventurous person would want. This book is definitely a must read and trust you’ll be stuck to it the whole day. If you’ve read this book, don’t forget to tell me what you think of it. That’s it for today but don’t you worry, I’ll be back soon with my sleeves full. See you next time! Bye!

You Can Go Back Down Sometimes,

Monkey Me

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