The Story of a Thankful Bird

Hi everyone, today I’m going to share with you one of my favorite stories that my dad told me. This story tells the meaning of thankfulness in a very beautiful way. Here it is:

Once upon a time there was a very pretty bird that lived on a green and luscious tree which was bearing delicious fruits. Then, one day a bird hunter came by and saw the bird. He tried to shoot it with a poisonous arrow but missed and hit the tree. Since the arrow had poison on it, the tree soon dried up and died. But the bird remained in that very tree. Indra ( The Indian God of Heaven) saw the bird sitting on the dead tree. He asked why it was still there when the tree was dead and there are many more trees with good fruit surrounding it. The bird, who is very intelligent said, “ When it was alive, this tree gave me everything I needed and so now that it is dead, if I leave it, it’s not being thankful. So I wish to remain here.” The bird knew it was Indra who asked the question in front of it. Overwhelmed at the thoughtful bird, he asked it to choose a boon. It said, “ If you really wish to give me a boon, then bring this tree back to life.” Indra, happier than ever, poured life back into the tree. This is how the bird thanked the tree.

You can learn so much from this story on how to be thankful. I will post more stories like this ( which will be a lot more) because I think they are important learnings of life and can be implemented. Thank you guys so much for reading and will see ya next time! Bye!

Inspiring Reads,

Monkey Me

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