The Story of the Fear Factor: Fate

Your fate is like your shadow

Hey everybody, today I will again be sharing one of the stories my dad told me. This story tells our minds simply on how your fate follows you not only from this life but from the past or previous lives of yours.

The Story:

One day, a little boy went outside to play like he usually did, but he did not return home. When his mother went to go see what was the matter, she found out that her son had been bitten by a snake. The boy’s mother held him and cried. A snake catcher saw the mother crying and felt bad. So he went, fetched the snake which had killed the mother’s son, took it to the crying mother and asked her to kill this snake which had killed her son. When the mother refused, the snake catcher decided to kill the snake himself. But the intelligent snake said, “ Before you kill me, think about this. You think that the boy died because I bit him but who knows? Maybe even an ant bite would’ve killed him. Today is just the day he has to die.” The snake catcher, considering it, didn’t kill the snake. Then the God and Goddess of Death came and said “ The mother is grieving her son’s death because of all the bad things she did in her previous lives. Anyone who does something bad will have to accept their fate.” 

Your fate is like your shadow which you cannot erase. So, doing good things in life is very important. Thanks for reading! See you next time, Bye!:D

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